Methods & Concepts
The services we offer are based on a combination of proven and well-founded methods and concepts from leading sciences, intertwined with rich and extensive practical experience in negotiation, conflict resolution, and coaching.

Negotiation is a polysport discipline
The world of negotiation excellence is versatile and complex, as negotiation is interdisciplinary and connects various fields such as strategy, psychology, sociology, management, law, culture, and ethics. It is exciting but also demanding because everything intertwines and mutually influences each other. Communication: Effective communication is crucial for successful negotiations. Understanding verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, questioning techniques, and the ability to convey messages clearly and precisely are essential aspects of negotiation. Psychology: Psychology plays a central role as negotiations are often influenced by human emotions and behaviors. Understanding human motivation, controlling emotions, factors of influence, and negotiation tactics based on psychological principles are of great importance. Negotiation Strategy: Developing an effective negotiation strategy requires knowledge of different negotiation approaches, tactics, and techniques. This includes setting goals, establishing priorities, developing alternatives, and implementing a successful negotiation strategy within the overall context. Business and Finance: Understanding business and finance is also essential for negotiations. The ability to comprehend, evaluate, and analyze economic relationships is a decisive factor in successful negotiation. Law: Legal aspects often play a significant role as well. Failing to include essential legal frameworks in negotiations can lead to deadlocks. Inter-cultural Competence: In a globalized world, we encounter diverse cultural backgrounds and negotiation styles. Understanding and being sensitive to cultural differences, behavioral norms, and communication styles are important for successful negotiations with people from different cultures. And this cultural diversity is often closer than you might think. Ethics: Considering ethical principles and moral values that shape negotiation behavior is of fundamental importance for conducting sustainable, trustworthy, and successful negotiations. They shape our image and reputation far beyond national borders.

Despite this complexity, we often operate within a single discipline or sub-discipline, namely our favorite one. We cannot and do not need to be experts in everything. However, capturing, structuring, and simultaneously reducing complexity and various dependencies to make them efficiently and effectively usable can be incredibly helpful.
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playful & structured
We work in a versatile, holistic, structured, playful, and ambitious manner. Our goal is to work with structured, memorable content and concepts that fit seamlessly into the overall context. Supporting this approach:
Playing with the Language:
The brand Coanea is a word creation combining "Cooperation" and "Negotiation." It also contains the element "nea" (new). Coanea represents creating something new through negotiation together.
Playing with the Colors:
The color turquoise symbolizes the dynamic, creative, and flexible aspects of negotiation, which open up new possibilities, while brown represents structure, stability, and reliability, providing a trustworthy framework. Both components are essential in negotiation, complementing and enriching each other.
Playing with the Images:
Our image worlds consist of actual photos from Iceland, where dynamic and contrasting natural forces (e.g., the meeting of tectonic plates) create something unique. Similarly, in negotiations, different forces, resources, personalities, and styles come together. They can exclude, complement, or lead to unexpected opportunities for creative solutions and outstanding results, just like in Iceland.
Playing with the Perspectives:
The unique aerial shots from Iceland offer unusual perspectives that may not be immediately apparent. Similarly, in negotiations, we encounter unfamiliar perspectives. However, allowing ourselves to understand and experience them as added value requires mutual readiness to embark on a bold journey of discovery into the world of the unknown or perhaps the unfamiliar.