& fair play
It is definitely a difficult question, the conflict & fair play. Because where does the conflict start, where does it end, and what exactly is fair play? The question of whether our one-sided relationship with conflict and harmony is fair play is easier. While harmony automatically triggers positive emotions and is not critically questioned, it's the opposite with conflict. It evokes negative emotions and is rarely welcomed. However, both conflict and harmony contain opportunities and risks. In times of change, conflicts lurk everywhere. When managed intelligently, they become the prerequisite for progress, growth, and value creation. It is high time to reconsider our relationship with conflict.

A valuable journey
Conflict is important. It is at the heart of every negotiation. It is part of it. If you don't have conflict, you haven't negotiated well. It is as simple as that.
Harmony is beautiful. Of course we all prefer to live in harmony, it attracts us magically. But does it also challenge and confront us? Does it move us forward?
Balancing is better. Whether we like it or not, we move between harmony and conflict every day. Doing justice to these worlds, courageously embracing both and balancing them artfully, is a difficult journey. But it is worth it.

Use the power of difference
Wherever people, groups and businesses come together, there are different interests, perspectives, values, cultures, beliefs, needs and goals. Fortunately. Because that is where the potential lies to be harnessed in a positive and value-creating way.

What if that doesn't work?
When the HOW, the way we deal with these differences, becomes negative or even toxic, then we have a problem. We cannot use the conflict constructively and steer it into productive channels.

That is where we come in
Better sooner than later. With our MiniMax short mediation we support the conflict parties to move from destructive conflict behaviour or experience to a productive and positive future.
Mini-Max Short Mediation - how does it work?
Warm Up & Check-In
Familiarization with Mini-Max Brief Mediation, including Mediator's role clarification. Discuss expectations, formulate goals, and explore possible perspectives. Step into the future, take responsibility: What needs to be done to guarantee the failure of the Mini-Max Brief Mediation? -
Evaluate the type of conflict, identify key issues, and set priorities. Address the question: who or which factors, not currently present "at the table," influence the conflict situation. -
Discover interests, needs, values, systems, etc. Encourage mutual perspective shifts, active listening, reflection, feedback, and clarification. -
Brainstorm options, weigh alternatives, promote cooperative negotiation, rebuild and restore trust, involve additional stakeholders if necessary, reality check, initiate "Back to the Future." -
Find the right formula, document, celebrate, implement, and live it. -
Review & Outlook
What has changed, what is going well, and where is there room for improvement, possibly followed by further negotiations.

Be curious
Find trust in the conflict by figuring out HOW to welcome and become curious about different perspectives and needs, and by discovering the PURPOSE of the conflict. Why is it essential, and how could it be beneficial?